Real Software for Real People
Development of Running Apache has Ceased!
It was a great run but Apache now has there own Windows interface and there is no longer a need for
Running Apache.
The software is no longer supported, but a legacy copy is left here in the odd chance that someone running an old version of
Windows might need it.
Running Apache was downloaded over 20,000 times. Not bad for a little application that was my first real attempt at programing.
Thanks for all the kind words from folks over the years. It was fun.
Past Productions
Apache 3.0 was released June 26th.
Shuts down Apache reliable at Windows shut down
Has an option to start RA automatically at Windows Start up. No more
dragging a short cut into the start up directory
Searches for Apache.exe automatically
Web update information
Automatic web updates. No uninstalling and reinstalling. Just click
a button and RA updates itself. (Ok not often enough).
No matter what your resolution or icon settings you don't have to resize the forms.
Improved configuration set up (looks the same but works better)
Auto IP detection
Crow Software Productions is proud to announce a new addition to our software line up:
pair POPcheck. Check the download page for more information.
These programs are made available
for single use only and may not be redistributed in any way without the expressed written
consent of White Crow Productions.
Most of our real work is CGI programming. If you would be
interested in an estimate contact WhiteCrow Software at
Custom CGI scripts using the greatest programming language in the world
are now available. You asked for it loud and clear so White Crow Software
Productions is offering CGI programming!
To contact White Crow Productions send e-mail to Info@WhiteCrow.Net
© Copyright White Crow Productions, 1996-2005, all rights reserved.